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  • Tags: Cycle of 4ths

Roots around the cycle of 4ths have a zig-zagging pattern between strings.
For example, between 6th and 5th strings the pattern is:

(6) C -then up a string to-
(5) F -then down a string and down two frets to-
(6) Bb -then up a string to-

Roots around the cycle of 4ths have a zig-zagging pattern between strings.
For example, between 6th and 5th strings the pattern is:

(6) C -then up a string to-
(5) F -then down a string and down two frets to-
(6) Bb -then up a string…

These diminished triad exercises are presented in the same order as the major and minor triads.
However, the 1st and 2nd sets of strings are much easier to practice because the fingerings on the 3rd and 4th sets of strings require difficult…

These files include:
A diagram of the cycle of 4ths/circle of 5ths,
lists of key signatures written on the treble-clef,
and formulas of intervals that common scales are built with.

Starting at the top of the cycle of 4ths/circle of 5ths:
Output Formats

atom, dc-rdf, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2