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  • Tags: mixolydian

Fretboard diagrams (14frets in length) of all Major scales and their relative modes.
The .pdf packet includes all of the .jpg source files.
.mp4 video files provide a slideshow of the scale diagrams moving around the cycle of 4ths/circle of…

These files include:
A diagram of the cycle of 4ths/circle of 5ths,
lists of key signatures written on the treble-clef,
and formulas of intervals that common scales are built with.

Starting at the top of the cycle of 4ths/circle of 5ths:

A reference chart of the mixolydian scale in all keys.

Roman numerals number the scale tones and also identify
whether a minor, major, or half diminished chord
is built on that scale tone.

Four variations of the chart are included:


A reference chart of the mixolydian-pentatonic scale in all keys.

Roman numerals number the scale tones and also identify
whether a minor, major,or half diminished chord
is built on that scale tone.

Four variations of the chart are…
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atom, dc-rdf, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2