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  • Tags: minor

These files include:
A diagram of the cycle of 4ths/circle of 5ths,
lists of key signatures written on the treble-clef,
and formulas of intervals that common scales are built with.

Starting at the top of the cycle of 4ths/circle of 5ths:

A reference chart of the minor-pentatonic scale in all keys.

Roman numerals number the scale tones and also identify
whether a minor, major,or half diminished chord
is built on that scale tone.

Four variations of the chart are…

A reference chart of the minor scale in all keys.

Roman numerals number the scale tones and also identify
whether a minor, major, or half diminished chord
is built on that scale tone.

Four variations of the chart are included:

The first…

A reference chart of the melodic-minor scale in all keys.

Roman numerals number the scale tones and also identify
whether a minor, major, diminished, half diminished,
or augmented chord is built on that scale tone.

Four variations of the…

A reference chart of the harmonic-minor scale in all keys.

Roman numerals number the scale tones and also identify
whether a minor, major, diminished, or half diminished chord
is built on that scale tone.

Four variations of the chart are…

Fretboard diagrams (14frets in length) of all Major scales and their relative modes.
The .pdf packet includes all of the .jpg source files.
.mp4 video files provide a slideshow of the scale diagrams moving around the cycle of 4ths/circle of…

Catalog of the closed voice triads on sets of three adjacent strings.

Major, minor, and diminished triads are included with their root voicing and inversions.

Roman numerals label positions on the guitar, and fingerings are written in small…
Output Formats

atom, dc-rdf, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2